Saya Siap Membantu Semua Desain Arsitektur Yang Anda Butuhkan.

( Rumah Tinggal, Kantor, Ruko, Hotel, Apartment, Villa, Plaza, Toko,Gudang Dll )

Hanya 3 proses saja Impian anda akan terwujud ikuti langkah-langkahnya dibawah ini……………


- Biaya desain sangat murah, jauh dibawah harga normal.
- Tata letak ruangan di dalam rumah akan lebih teratur
- Memanfaatkan secara maksimal luas lahan.
- Efisien karena konsultasi dapat dilakukan dimanapun Anda / Klien berada.

Desain yang akan Anda / Klien dapatkan meliputi :

- Lay Out
- Site Plan
- Denah lt. 01, dst
- Tampak Depan & Samping
- Potongan A-A & B-B
- Perspektif 1 View

( Semua pengerjaan secara digital atau cetak kertas A3 )

Gratis untuk Anda / Klien yang menggunakan jasa kami :

- 2 (dua) kali revisi gambar (bukan revisi total)
- 2 (dua) kali konsultasi via email/sms/chat/call : 08121795425
- Biaya kirim melalui TiKi di Indonesia
- Desain-desain untuk keperluan tempat ibadah/sosial hanya kena biaya cetak & kirim

Hari Ini Fee Desain : Rp. 20.000,- per m²

Minimal Luas Bangunan 400 m2

< 400 m2 = 400 m2

Bila menghendaki gambar kerja lebih detail

harga nego

Proses Kerja

Untuk mendesain rumah Anda dengan order online, maka berikut tahap proses yang akan dilakukan :

I. Data dari Anda / Klien :

- Ukuran tanah : 20 x 20 = 400 m²

- Jumlah, ukuran dan fungsi ruang (misalnya Anda / Klien menginginkan nanti ruangannya apa aja, bangunannya 2 lantai, ada dapur teras r tamu dll) kalau bisa lampirkan foto/gambar bangunan sebagai pendekatan

- Peraturan bangunan dari lokal dan pemerintah daerah (misalnya garis sepadan bangunan)

- Peta Lokasi ( Arah Mata Angin, posisi lahan ada di mana )

* ANDA SCAN KIRIM EMAIL KE : onarsitek@yahoo.com

Beritahu saya sms ke : 08121795425

II. Analisa dari Kami

- Perkiraan luas bangunan : Mis : 600 m² (Untuk Teras, Selasar dihitung 50 %nya )

Perkiraan biaya :

Rp. 20.000,- / m² x 600 m² = Rp. 12.000.000,-

- Kami sampaikan biaya yang harus Anda / Klien bayarkan dan kami akan kirimkan desain awal rumah dalam format jpg / gif via email untuk ditanggapi

- Setelah Anda / Klien setuju, lakukan transfer ke rekening kami sejumlah 50% dari perkiraan biaya :

Rp. 12.000.000 x 50% = Rp. 6.000.000,-

- Kirim konfirmasi pembayaran melalui email/sms ke 08121795425

berupa : *Nama*tanggal transfer*Nominalnya*.

Misal : *Budi*25/03/09*6.000.000*

* HUB SAYA – NEGO – ANDA TRANSFER KE : BNI 46 Cab. Unair Surabaya – 9025202-1

III. Gambar Paket

- Kami kerjakan kurang lebih 2 (dua) minggu (tergantung tingkat kesulitan),

- Selesai dan kondisi akhir luas bangunan 500 m² (termasuk luas teras,selasar dihitung 50 % ) dengan perhitungan biaya :

Total biaya akhir = Rp. 20.000,- / m² x 500 m²

= Rp.10.000.000,-

Sisa pembayaran = Rp.10.000.000,- - Rp. 6.000.000,-

= Rp. 4.000.000,-

- Setelah Desain selesai saya beritahu anda dan kirim format JPG lewat email.

- Anda / Klien melakukan pembayaran sisa transfer

ke rekening kami sejumlah Rp. 4.000.000,-

- Setelah transfer saya terima maka gambar akan saya cetak A3 dan saya kirim ke alamat anda



Cepat Wujudkan IMPIAN ANDA Dengan 3 Proses diatas.

Kontak Saya :


Rachmat Prasetyo, ST



Jl. Jojoran I-G/11 Surabaya

Selasa, 27 April 2010

Custom Home Design - Affordable Housing Solutions For Your Dream Home

Custom Home Design - Affordable Housing Solutions For Your Dream Home

Mass production have overtaken the world, so that will be found few valuable handmade goods. Mass production has made the housing market. Track homes litter the highways filled with one-size-fits-all homes.

Unique handcrafted homes are becoming less common and often even better value than their vanilla counterparts. Well built custom home designs also tend to sell quickly even in weak markets.

Many people shy away from custom home construction through timeand a cost, however, many architects have the surprisingly affordable and can help you work within a strict budget, and helps you the most cost-effective materials.

Custom Home design is not only related to extensive lands and houses alone, small cabins, single-level homes, or even futuristic space savers are created on a reasonable budget. Most architects are happy to work with you to plan, regardless of size or scope of the projects that you need to.

The advantages ofcustom residences on existing homes are numerous. In addition to maintaining a better value, you have the freedom to create a dwelling for you and your family's specific needs. This is especially useful if someone in your household have special needs such as difficulty walking.

So you are not only able to create a residence that is aesthetically pleasing, but it can be highly functional for the individual as well. Wheelchair ramps and wider doors can be added for the physicallycalled into question. Cabinets and doors can be adapted to people below the average in stature.

Custom home design also means that you ample opportunity to discuss your plans and visions will have one-on-one with the architect. They will be closely involved in all aspects and be able to last-minute decisions and changes, if necessary. You will have ultimate control over the final result, if it fits your individual needs.

But with this comes great Responsibility. It is important to communicate effectively with the architects and to know when compromise is necessary. You want a style you'll love, but remember, you hired a professional architect for a reason. Careful budgeting is also necessary, because even the smallest changes can occur with a high price.

If the customized design is still out of reach price-wise, there are some reasonable alternatives are available. Many architects can offer to meet halfway and Semi-customized> Plans. In this case, is an architect with a few different pre-existing projects in the pipeline, which then further adjusted or changed slightly.

For example, like the popular modular kitchens, you can choose furniture, flooring, tile and appliances, and other options, depending on the arrangement and budget constraints. This is also helpful in narrowing options if you feel overwhelmed by the possibilities of a tabula rasa.

If you are thinking aboutmake your own home to many architects and builders can offer consultation and guidance to help you get started. Setting a budget early on can help you reduce your decisions and a clear idea of what is possible.

Make your dream home a reality sooner than you think. Due to custom designs, your home is an original, standing out from the mass quantity produced.

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